Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Wednesday 1st Febuary

Today was based on independant study, scene work and rehearsing monologues.
In the morning I rehearsed "The way of the world" with my group, we looked through the script first and did a quick run through to familiarise ourselves with the lines and previous ideas (written on the script). We then got on our feet (group decision) to perform the scene and put it into practise (act it out), this was highly productive as we have developed and memorised parts of the blocking.
The afternoon was basically independent study (monologues and lines) and a small amount of scene work. I read through my monologue a few times before performing it off-script, I believe I have now learnt my monologue which means i can focus on the movement and vocal aspects of the monologue more thoroughly . We did a small amount of scene work ("The way of the world") which consisted of idea devising, line learning and rehearsing: So what did this achieve?
  • We have come up with an idea for our scene- Mrs Marwood gets pushed into the closet to hide from Foible,  yet she puts her glass out and looks at peg for a refill (blatantly not attempting to keep hidden effectively!)  and Peg (the maid) is trying her very best to cover for Mrs Marwood by taking the glass and pretending it was hers.
  • I have rehearsed and learnt my monologue so i can focus on other important aspects
  • As a group we have developed our scene further and gained ideas and blocking. if you would like to understand more about "The way of the world" the link will explain the plot and history :-)

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